Friday, March 28, 2008

Banks and boundaries

The identity and beauty of the river or a lake is due to the banks and the boundaries.
We are also beautiful when our thoughts are contained by our intellect and integrity.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When sun shines, it's light is for every body who can see / feel. By posting your valueable thoghtson this site you have done the same. God bless you.ashish

who am i? said...

anything that has banks and boundaries is artificial who can say that the river has a boundary? when the same water is lifted by the air into the clouds n then showered somewhere else..... only our vision has boundary the we cannot see beyond we do not see the river in the air .... we are bound.... ofcourse by our intellect.. and what is our integrity if we call half truth the whole truth?

Unknown said...

Beauty can't be confined within any boundaries. Boundaries are product of our mind.