Saturday, May 17, 2008

Follow ur Heart--poll review

Overwhelming majority believes one should always follow the heart.
Why do we feel so??
Simply put it MAKES LIFE SO EASY.U just follow the command of the Supreme residing in the deep recesses of the heart.
U do not have to make a extra effort burning your brain resources at the level of the thought.
The catch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The voice emanating from the heart is very soft,hardly audible and gets drowned in the noise around.


parampreet said...

One should be daring enough to go according to what his heart directs. Heart never has a low voice, it is the dilemma that we create when we peak up the voice of our heart towards mind, that makes all the difference. Listen to what comes from inside....boost that idea with strong will power....nd move ahead.

Dr. Anirudh Kapoor said...

Dear parampreet,i can gauge the tuning u have with ur heart.Keep it up.The intensity of the voice emanating from it depends upon the receptivity of the soul,the coverings on it by the wotdly and mundane dust.