Thursday, April 24, 2008

Flowrs --natural teachers.

What do flowers teach us,friends?

Please comment.My answer will follow yours.


who am i? said...

When they bloom in all kinds of worst weather they teach that we must do for what we are here. god sent them to bloom n we must know our duty n do it in all possible ways or JUST BE.... I remember last year I was the center Spdt for university exams so I had to go to the college in the afteroon.. i was really angry as the temp was 48 c and the sun was scorching. when I reached the college I saw some late blooms smiling at me n i loved all of them so much cos they were doing what they were meant to do BLOOMING even in that heat.... flowers can only bloom n they do..

who am i? said...

flower is to the earth what soul is to body, spirit is the essence of body so is flower the essence of clay n water...