Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Beyond my control

The happenings over which i hav no control, need not bother me at all.
I just need to look beyond to grapple with it.
This will keep my energies from being depleted, and my resolve to succeed, defeated.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Instant Punishment

If u get instant reprimand,u r close to God and He iz ur greatest well-wisher.Remember this always as He is ur constant companion.He may not reward u instantaneously for the good u do, as He doesn't want to make a spoilt-brat.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Popping up

Incidents n happenings sometimes just pop up in life as they do so on the computer screen.
Not all of them are meaningless.Accept them.Some of them just go away on their own.

Friday, September 12, 2008


If u decide not to pick a fight,u will surely find the way to peace.
Our decision not to pick up the challenge thrown by our adversary on mundane point is a sure sign of victory over him.It would leave him automatically vanquished and u on path to peace.Try it out the next time you are challenged by one who wants to dismantle ur peace of mind.  

Sunday, September 7, 2008


A single comment,a single incident,a single gesture has the potential to radically change our perception about somebody and influence even a long-standing relationship.
BUT PAUSE A BIT to ponder over the causitive factor behind the act.It may be just casual without any specific meaning attached.Do not let it linger on.If hurt,we need to clarify and move on.
A TRU FRIEND OR ACQUAINTANCE values u and would never hurt u.If not,he is not worth ur concern.Better for u to get over the hurt and move on in life.Continuing would mean sacrificing ur self-esteem which i believe is of paramount importance to our existence. 
Remember,everything has a specified span.When time's up,get up and move out.There are more opportunities waiting for us to sparkle and learn from.Be upbeat and receptive.Let ur receptors pick up the signals and read the fine-prints.     

Friday, September 5, 2008

Teacher's Day

On Teachers' Day it is imperative for us to reflect upon our journey during which we have learned from people,incidents and nature.We need to salute them and thank them on this day.That is one way to show our gratitude.This will also enhance humility in us and open up our reception to further learning.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Walking n living

While walking,the right arm and left leg move in perfect harmony to maintain balance ,rhythm n harmony.The focus shifts to the opposites in the next step,automatically.
One needs to maintain a balance in life as well.Sometimes life moves on automatically,though.